Exchange Program Processes within the Scope of Bilateral Cooperation-Incoming

-First of all, there must be a cooperation agreement between the two universities that allows student/staff exchange. Thus, the two universities become partner universities. (A list of the current agreements can be found on the Foreign Relations Coordinatorship’s page.)

– Students/staff from a partner University can apply to be an exchange student/staff.

– If there isn’t a cooperation agreement between two universities or if there is a cooperation agreement between two universities but it is inactive, students/staff have to apply to their own university’s international coordinatorship about it.

– Students/staff who want to come to our university within the international exchange programme have to apply to their own university’s international coordinatorship. Individual applications are not accepted.

The partner university must contact directly Ankara University international student coordinatorship for nomination. When an application is received from the International Office of the partner university, our coordinatorship informs the partner university about the requirements, application dates and details. The application date for the Fall semester is May 15, and for the Spring Semester is October 15. The nominee from the partner university is required to have B2 level Turkish or English language.

– Our coordinatorship receives confirmation from the relevant departments (department that the student is applying to) for the applications of nominated students.

– If the department accepts nominated students/staff to the relevant department programme, invitation letters are prepared and sent to home University by our coordinatorship.

– Quotas, dormitory and language courses topics related to incoming students/staff are determined according to the relevant agreement and reciprocity basis.